Together We Are
Dedicated to the protection and wellbeing of all our patients, big and small.
Zodiac…. what does the name mean, well it refers to the Zodiac Star signs or in laymen’s terms “The Circle of Life”.
Zodiac Dierekliniek
Zodiac is a mixed animals practice that strive to provide good quality veterinary care and services to almost any type of animal. The practice has the latest state of the art Radiographic equipment which includes a fully mobile x-ray unit. Top of the range laboratory equipment as well as an incubator for new-borns, gas anaesthetic machines, dental equipment, operating microscope and a lot more. We also have an isolation ward. Dedicated well trained qualified veterinary nurses looking after our patients. We have a veterinary front shop that hosts various brands of food as well as pet Toys, bedding, bowls, apparel and much more to spoil your pet. At Zodiac we strive to make each visit a memorable occasion.
Zodiac…. wat beteken die naam, wel dit verwys na die Zodiac Sterre-tekens of in leke terme “Die sirkel van die lewe”.
Zodiac Dierekliniek
Zodiac is ‘n gemengde dierepraktyk wat poog om veeartseny sorg en dienste van goeie gehalte te lewer aan byna enige soort dier. Die praktyk het die nuutste moderne radiografiese toerusting wat ‘n volledig mobiele x-straaleenheid insluit. Toonaangewende laboratorium toerusting sowel as ‘n broeikas vir pasgeborenes, gas-narkose-masjiene, tandheelkundige toerusting, gebruiksmikroskoop en nog vele meer. Ons het ook ‘n afdeling vir isolasie. Toegewyde goed opgeleide gekwalifiseerde veeartsenykundige verpleegsters sien om na ons pasiënte. Ons het ‘n veeartsenykundige voorwinkel met verskillende kosmerke, sowel as troeteldier-speelgoed, beddegoed, bakke, klere en nog vele meer om u troeteldier te bederf. By Zodiac streef ons daarna om elke besoek onvergeetlik te maak.